Erasmus+ Traineeship - for postgraduate specialisation programmes for 2023/24 a.y.

application Call [ITA]   

attachment A – traineeship project (compulsory)

attachment B – CV (compulsory)

attachment C - letter of intent (optional during application)


selection results [ITA]




Erasmus+ Traineeship for postgraduate specialisation programmes for 2023/24 a.y.


programme description

For 2023/24 a.y. Iuav University offers 10 scholarships in the frame of the Erasmus+ for traineeship programme, reserved to students enrolled in postgraduate specialisation programmes:


>7 scholarships in E+ Programme Countries

> 3 scholarships in E+ Partner Countries, belonging to Region 14


More details about Countries of destination is available below on this webpage


The Erasmus+ scholarships support 3-month traineeships for students attengind 1st and 2nd level executive master programmes.



The application call is open only for students attending a postgraduate specialisation programme. In order to be eligible applicants should meet the following requirements:

a) enrolment status: be regularly enrolled for 2023/24 a.y. to a post graduate specialization programme offered at Iuav for the whole duration of the traineeship. The achievement of the academic title during the mobility would trigger the reimbursement of the Erasmus+ grant received by the trainee

b) citizenship: applicants should be EU citizens or non-European students, residing in Italy and regularly enrolled to a full degree programme at Iuav. It is recommended that students not holding an Italian citizenship do not carry out the placement in the home Country

c) EU funds: E+ trainees cannot benefit of other Eu grants during the placement experience 

d) language skills: applicants should know the language(s) required by the host institution at least at B1 level; the language requirement will be considered fulfilled if the applicant provides the International Mobility Office with the “letter of intent” duly signed by the host institution

Applicants who have already spend a mobility period abroad in the frame of E+ in the previous study cycles (at Iuav or in other Universities) will be admitted to the selection.

Applicants who have already benefitted of an Erasmus+ scholarship for study or traineeship in the same study cycle are required to indicated it in the Attachment A and in the online application form.


traineeship duration, eligible countries and E+ grant

Iuav University offers 3-month scholarships for traineeship. However, the E+ traineeship must have a duration of at least 2 months (60 days). 

The mobility can take place in the following period of time: September 2024 – March 2025.

All traineeships should be finished by 28 March 2025.

Beneficiaries might require an extension of the traineeship as well as the scholarship, which should be approved by the International Office, according to funds availability.

Traineeship activities need to take place according to a full-time scheme and can be carried out in diverse institutions, located in the eligible countries:

> public/private bodies or organizations

> small/medium/large enterprises

> education/research/training centres


N.B. The following organisations are not eligible as host institutions for E+ traineeship

> EU institutions/bodies/agencies (the complete list is available here)

> organisations managing EU programmes (e.g. National Agencies)

> diplomatic representatives of the trainee’s country of origin, located in the trainee’s destination country (e.g. embassy; consulate; etc…)


The amount of the E+ mobility grant for traineeship has been defined by the EU and it varies according to the host Country, as indicated below:


>Erasmus+ Participant Countries


Monthly Grant





€ 500,00


Denmark, Finland, Irland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway Sweden


€ 450,00

Austria, Belgium, Ciprus, France, Germany, Greece, Malta, The Netherlands, Portugal, Spain


€ 400,00


Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary, Republic of North Macedonia



>Erasmus+ Partner Countries


Monthly Grant





€ 500,00



Region 14: Switzerland, UK



More information about the Erasmus+ Traineeship is available on the Erasmus+ website >>> 


application procedure

Students should complete the application procedures by 31 May 2024 (12 PM), according to the instructions listed below and indicated in the application call (art. 3):


1.      Online registration form (compulsory)

2.      Attachment A: traineeship project (compulsory)

3.      Attachment B: curriculum vitae (compulsory)

4.      Attachment C (optional for application): letter of intent

5.      Language certifcation(s) (optional)


The international office will accept only applications, which will be sent by the set deadline and will be complete (online form; attachments; etc…).



Students will be selected, according to the following evaluation criteria:

>traineeship project (attachment A): up to 45 points

> curriculum vitae (attachment B): up to 30 points

>certified language competence: up to 10 points

>letter of intent (attachment C): 15 points


Selection results will be published starting from 29 June 2024.


N.B. To confirm the scholarship, beneficiaries should send to the International Mobility Office ( the letter of intent (Attachment C) before the beginning of the traineeship. Nonetheless, the letter of intent should be sent by 30 September 2024.


re-allocation of E+ scholarships

In case of extra funds or beneficiaries’ withdrawals, E+ scholarships for traineeship will be re-allocated among suitable applicants.


More information about this opportunity will be published in this page.




international office

Santa Croce, 601 – Campo della Lana

30135 Venezia


tel +39 041 257 1725
