Undergraduate and graduate programmes offered by the University iuav of Venice:







The Erasmus+ Traineeship programme supports traineeships abroad through a mobility grant.


APPLICATION CALL FOR STUDENTS of bachelor’s and master’s programme, phd and SSIBAP

>Registration deadline: 31 May 2024

>Traineeship start: July 2024


For more information >>>



APPLICATION CALL FOR STUDENTS of postgraduate specialisation programmes for 2023/24 a.y.


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Erasmus+ Traineeship


The Erasmus+ (E+) programme supports student exchange in the frame of the first, the second and the third study level (bachelor’s degree; master’s degree; postgraduate specialization programmes; doctoral studies). 


Students can benefit of an exchange abroad in the frame of E+ programme as follows:

> mobility for studies, with E+ scholarship or E+ status: from 3 to 12 months

> mobility for traineeship, with E+ scholarship or E+ status: from 2 to 12 months (up to 6 months in the same a.y.)


Mobilities for traineeship and for studies can be both supported multiple times in the same cycle of studies, provided that:

> the total time abroad does not exceed 12 months

> the mobility for studies and the mobility for traineeship do not simultaneously take place




Application call for 2023/24 a.y. >>>







E+ for traineeship is addressed to Iuav students - regularly enrolled to bachelor’s degree; master’s degree; postgraduate specialization programmes and doctoral studies - who want to carry out a curricular internship, namely a traineeship embedded in their study plan, which awards university credits.


For Iuav students E+ traineeship can only be recognized, in fact, when it is curricular. It cannot be recognized as supernumerary in the study plan.


recent graduates

It is also possible to carry out an E+ traineeship as a recent graduate, that is within 12 months after graduation, yet by the programme deadline.

Candidates must apply for E+ traineeship before graduation (e.g. during the last a.y. of studies). Therefore, for students approaching the end of their study programme it is recommended contacting the International Mobility office to be acknowledged in advance about the opening of application calls, application procedures and deadlines with regards to E+ traineeship.


Students who have already benefitted of an Erasmus+ scholarship (for study or traineeship) can apply for the Erasmus + Traineeship Programme, provided that they do not exceed the maximum number of mobility period of time in the frame of the Erasmus+ programme: 12 months.





An E+ traineeship can last from 2 to 6 months in the frame of same academic year (according to the deadlines of the application call).

A student/recent graduate can benefit of a maximum of 12 months of E+ traineeship mobility.  



eligible countries and host institutions


It is possible to carry out the traineeship mobility in both the Programme Countries and Partner Countries of Erasmus+.  


The complete list of eligible countries is available here. The main destinations are the following:


> E+ Programme Countries

            - Country members of the European Union (EU)

- Non-EU Programme countries: Republic of North Macedonia; Serbia, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein

>E+ Partner Countries:

- English speaking Countries: United Kingdom, USA, Canada, Australia

- Asian Countries: China, Japan

- Russian Federation and Balkans

- Latin America, Africa, del Middle East


Candidates are invited to complete autonomously procedures related to the realization of the mobility (e.g. accommodation research; entry visa requests; etc…)


Traineeship activities need to take place according to a full-time scheme and can be carried out in diverse institutions typologies, located in the abovementioned eligible countries/regions:

> public/private bodies or organizations

> small/medium/large enterprises

> education/research/training centres


N.B. The following organisations are not eligible as host institutions for E+ traineeship:

> EU institutions/bodies/agencies (the complete list is available here)

> organisations managing EU programmes (e.g. National Agencies)

> diplomatic representatives of the trainee’s country of origin, located in the trainee’s destination country (e.g. embassy; consulate; etc…)


finding the host institution

Applicants should autonomously find a host institution. However, in order to facilitate the research, applicants can:


>contact the International Mobility Office – E+ Traineeship, so as to have individual support


>visit: https://esn.org/erasmusintern, promoted by Erasmus Student Network;


>visit: https://www.stage4eu.it/


>monitor the SpIn (Iuav student service platform), to check Iuav partner institutions



mobility grant 

The amount of the E+ mobility grant for traineeship has been defined by the EU and it varies according to the host Country. The complete list of eligible countries is available here.


>Erasmus+ Participant Countries




Monthly Grant





€ 500,00


Denmark, Finland, Irland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway Sweden



€ 450,00

Austria, Belgium, Ciprus, France, Germany, Greece, Malta, The Netherlands, Portugal, Spain



€ 400,00


Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary, Republic of North Macedonia



>Erasmus+ Partner Countries



Monthly Grant





€ 500,00



Region 14: Switzerland, UK



€ 700,00


Regions 1 -4 (Balkans, Middle East, Russian Federation, etc...)

Regions  6-13 (Latin America, Asia, USA, etc…)


More information about the Erasmus+ Traineeship is available on the Erasmus+ website >>> 




international mobility

Santa Croce, 601 – Campo de la Lana

30135 Venice


tel +39 041 257 1725



>online front office on google meet >>>