Undergraduate and graduate programmes offered by the University iuav of Venice:

Learning from water


An operational analysis


16 luglio 2024

Badoer, aula A

ore 10


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organizzato da scuola di Dottorato, cluster Citylab – Cluster di ricerca sulla cittą e il territorio


lectures by Associate Professor Melisa Pesoa-Marcilla and PhD student Carolina Fiallo Department of Urbanism, Territory and Landscape (DUTP) of the Barcelona School of Architecture (UPC)


organised by Amina Chouairi


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Territory as a subject of rights recognises its capacity to enter into dialogue with life in its various expressions. These expressions should be analysed in depth to understand their intrinsic patterns and ultimately lead to a responsible project. The case of water, in its agential role, allows us to delineate the territory through its experiences, intertwined with relevant urban processes and transformations, which are crucial for a comprehensive ecological understanding that connects life. Learning from water means co-creating with it.
A sensitive delineation of the territory, taking into account the processes and natural features that define it, is essential to elucidate the urban form influenced by the water agency. This approach facilitates the territorial exploration of cities like Bogotį, amidst pįramos and wetlands, and improves our understanding of the relationships between water, city, and territory. This condition seeks to recognize the value of the process as an essential requirement of ecological urbanism, which addresses uncertainty and facilitates the coherent integration of water within its cycles in the territorial context. Using the case of water in Bogotį, we dive into an empirical and operational analysis of urban and territorial forms. Using drawing techniques, we try to approach contemporary theories inductively in order to reconcile the territory and the city.