Undergraduate and graduate programmes offered by the University iuav of Venice:

our products in English


Iuav presentation

(last update 10/2021)


Iuav services

(last update 01/2021)


Study at Iuav

(last update 06/2022)


Welcome guide

(last update 07/2022)



master’s degrees

MA in Architecture

brochure >>

(last update 4/2021)

leaflet >>

(last update 10/2021)


Urbanistica e pianificazione del territorio - MS in Urban planning for transition

brochure >>

(last update 4/2021)

leaflet >>

(last update 10/2021)


Engineering for renewable energy in coastal environment

(last update 5/2024)


Studying Science and Design for Maritime Spatial Planning

(last update 5/2024)


Sustainable transportation and smart maritime mobility

(last update 5/2024)





servizio comunicazione

Santa Croce 191 Tolentini

tel +39 041 257 1856 – 1826 – 1819

fax +09 041 257 1738
