Università Iuav di Venezia is a partner of University Corridors for Refugees 6.0 (UNICORE 6.0), a project coordinated by UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) to support inclusive education and promote refugees' access to university education, social integration and active participation in the academic life.


In the frame of UNICORE 6.0 project, Iuav offers 1 scholarship of 5.000,00 euros and 1 tuition waiver to candidates who are refugees residing in Kenya, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe to attend a master’s degree.


Additional support services are to be provided by Caritas Venice and Diaconia as stated in the call for applications.


Specifically, candidates shall opt for one of the following master’s degrees taught in English:

MA in Architecture

MS in Urban Planning for Transition

Please note that the scholarship cannot be granted to a student or students who have been awarded other scholarships funded by Italian public institutions (e.g., regional scholarship).



who can apply

To apply, the candidates are required to:

1.      Reside in Kenya, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, South Africa, Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe and have been granted recognized refugee status in these countries in collaboration with UNHCR;

2.      Have a grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.0 according to the tertiary education evaluation system of the country of graduation or equivalent according to the comparative table issued by the Italian Ministry of Education;

3.      Hold a valid degree for admission to the chosen degree program obtained no earlier than 2019 and no later than the deadline of the announcement; the degree must of a duly accredited institution of higher education and must allow access to a second-cycle degree program of the relevant foreign system;

4.      Meet the specific requirements for admission to the degree program.


Please note that presenting any fraudulent school certificates or university diplomas is a crime. All the documents that the applicants submit will be carefully checked by experts. Should applicants present fraudulent documents there will be serious consequences including disqualification from this and other opportunities. UNHCR may also report the incident to the police authorities.



how to apply


To apply for UNICORE 6.0 scholarship, candidates are required to:



1. Apply through the UNICORE webpage by 15th April 2024 at 12 pm (UTC+2).


A committee evaluates qualifications of the candidates, draws up a provisional ranking and invites candidates who score 25 points or more for an interview to assess the knowledge required to enter the chosen master's degree program.


2. Receive an invitation to the online interview by email starting from May 6, 2024.


3. Attend the online interview that will take place in May 2024. Applicants will be informed by email about the exact date and time of the interview.

4. Wait for the provisional ranking of successful candidates to be published on the IUAV website
on June 3, 2024.


5. Accept the scholarship by email by June 13, 2024.


For the Italian version of the call, click here.



results of the first step of evaluation


A committee has evaluated the qualifications of the candidates and has assigned points:

- Up to 20 points for candidate's academic background;

- Up to 10 points for technical and professional skills;

- Up to 10 points for consistency between the academic background and the chosen course of study.

You can find a provisional ranking below. For the sake of privacy, we will only report the first letters of the first and last name of the candidates.


We invite candidates who score 25 points or more for an interview to assess the knowledge required to enter the chosen master's degree program. The interviews will take place in May 2024, and each successful applicant has received their own date and time of the interview in an email.

All the applicants excluded from the evaluation have received a notification email. If you applied to IUAV University, but did not receive any news on whether you were excluded from the evaluation or invited to an interview, we kindly ask you to check the spam folder and inform us about the issue at study@iuav.it.


First Name

Last Name

Date of Birth



A. A. A.



M. Y.

A. A.








F. A.


Excluded: GPA less than 3 out of 4

W. K.



Excluded: GPA less than 3 out of 4

P. M.



Excluded: GPA less than 3 out of 4

M. K.



Excluded: GPA less than 3 out of 4

J. G.



Excluded: not a refugee




Excluded: more than one request




Excluded: resident of a non-eligible country




Excluded: resident of a non-eligible country

Please note that the ranking is provisional and for the first step of the evaluation only. A final ranking of successful candidates will be published after the interview session
on June 3, 2024.


results of the second and final step of evaluation


The interviews took place on the 20th of May 2024. A committee has evaluated the qualifications of the candidates and has assigned points:

- Up to 15 points for candidate's technical skills;

- Up to 15 points for knowledge of the subject;

- Up to 10 points for level of English.

You can find a final ranking of successful candidates below. For the sake of privacy, we will only report the first letters of the first and last name of the candidates.


First Name

Last Name

Date of Birth

Interview points

Final points


M. Y.

A. A.




Scholarship winner


A. A. A.




Waiting list






Waiting list


We will contact the winners and provide them with further instructions. If one of the winners declines the scholarship, we will proceed with the candidates on the waiting list following the ranking order.

The applicants who do not get the UNICORE 6.0 scholarship can still apply to the programme of their choice on a regular basis and benefit from the other financial support programmes.

For any questions or issues please contact us at