Undergraduate and graduate programmes offered by the University iuav of Venice:

Paid collaborations within the university


Universitā Iuav di Venezia gives students with specific economic and merit requirements the opportunity to carry out paid collaborations in services for students up to 150 hours, to be completed before the end of February 2025.


Selected students will be asked to sign a contract with the university. The collaboration contract does not, in any way, represent employment. Please note that, as a grant, this is a tax-free income remuneration.


There are two different types of collaborations:

1. general

2. specific



general collaboration (collaborazione studentesca ordinaria)


General collaborations mainly consist of:

- opening and closing Iuav buildings and study rooms

- support to library activities

- data collection and processing

Hourly pay is 7,74 net euros.


Priority will be given to students eligible for a scholarship in the previous academic year who did not receive it in the previous academic year.



specific collaborations (collaborazione studentesca mirata)


Specific collaborations consist in:

- educational guidance services for students

- supporting computer labs running

- assisting Iuav disabled students

- welcoming international students

Students involved in specific collaboration are defined as tutors.

Hourly pay is 10,00 net euros.


Tutors are required to take a training course on disability, psychology of disability and accompanying techniques.


Students graduating before the end of the collaboration may resume and complete it if they enrol in a master’s degree in the same calendar year.


Students can apply online through our SpIn (Student web service area) by filling out the “Application for benefits”.



30 September 2023: second and third-year students

15 October 2023: first-year master’s degree students





NEW! Final rankings 2023/2024


provisional rankings 2023/2024


call for paid collaborations within the university 2023/2024


final ranking lists 2022-23






area didattica e servizi agli studenti

diritto allo studio

Santa Croce, 601 - Campo della Lana

30135 Venezia
