Undergraduate and graduate programmes offered by the University iuav of Venice:



After pre-enrolment and payment of the pre-enrolment fee, enrolments will be completed according to the applicants’ administrative category.



applicants with an international qualification


Applicants with an international qualification will be enrolled by the admission office from 19 September to 15 October 2024 (for graduate applicants) or within 10 days from graduation (for applicants about to graduate).


Generally, all applicants must provide digital copies of:

— ID

Italian tax code

original language diploma

original language transcript of records and/or diploma supplement in European format

translations in Italian or English of the documents listed above (except for documents that are issued in one of these two languages)


Non-EU applicants residing abroad must also provide:

— entry visa for study (type D)

stay permit or stay permit application receipt


The admission office will contact each applicant individually with the exact list of required documents, based on the country of origin of their qualification.

In case the above-mentioned documents are not deemed sufficient, applicants may be required to provide additional documents.


Enrolments are finalized remotely once an applicant’s documents are complete.

However, applicants may be required to complete their enrolment in person in case it is impossible to verify the digital copies provided; therefore, all applicants are strongly recommended to travel with the hard copies of their documents in case their enrolment is not completed before their arrival in Italy.



graduate applicants with an Italian qualification


Graduate applicants (laureato/laureata) with an Italian qualification will be enrolled remotely once the admission office has verified that all steps of the pre-enrolment have been completed and, in any case, by 15 October 2024.



applicants with an Italian qualification who are about to graduate


Applicants with an Italian qualification who will graduate by 12 December 2024 (laureando/laureanda) must send an email to info.immatricolazioni@iuav.it notifying the completion of the previous steps, and attach the self-certification of graduation (B form [ITA]). They must do so within 5 days from their graduation.


After this, they will be enrolled remotely once the admission office has verified that all steps of the pre-enrolment have been completed and, in any case, within 10 working days after receiving form B.





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