Undergraduate and graduate programmes offered by the University iuav of Venice:





Lanscapes of Mugello


11th dhtl international design workshop


2 > 14 September 2024

Abbazia di Vallombrosa, Firenze


promoted by

Designing Heritage Tourism Landscapes

international network of schools of architecture


organized by

Università degli Studi di Firenze


Università Iuav di Venezia representative

Mauro Marzo



26 June 2024


reopening of the same call for an additional 10 students


deadline for submitting new applications: 7 July at 23.59


register here >>



The selection procedure for participating in the international workshop Landscapes of Mugello, 2023/2024, is open. The workshop is part of the initiatives promoted by the international network of schools of architecture "DHTL - Designing Heritage Tourism Landscapes", led by Università Iuav di Venezia and joined by Italian and foreign schools.


The workshop, organized by Università degli Studi di Firenze, will take place from 2 to 14 September 2024 at Vallombrosa (Firenze), with the expected participation of the following schools: Universidad de Alcalá, Università di Camerino, Technical University of Crete, Universidade de Évora, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Politecnico di Milano, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Università degli Studi di Palermo, École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris-Malaquais, Università degli Studi Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria, Sapienza Università di Roma, Università degli studi Roma Tre, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Universidad de Sevilla, Università degli Studi di Catania, École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Strasbourg, Universidad de Valladolid, Università Iuav di Venezia, École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Versailles.


application form >>


programme >>


poster >>





brief program

Mugello is a vast basin north-east of Florence bordered by the Morello and Giovi mountains on the southern side, by the Apennines on the northern side, and crossed by the Sieve river, one of the Arno's major tributaries.


The interest of these places lies in the rich layering of the landscape, the natural and environmental qualities of the area, and the close bond with Florence, to which Mugello has always been a reservoir of intellectual, spiritual, and material resources.

The workshop aims to design a slow travel route that can be walked from west to east integrating with the already existing paths, such as the Way of the Gods that reaches San Piero a Sieve and crosses Mugello north-south.


The outcomes of the workshop will form a coherent corpus of design proposals to be submitted to the local municipalities taking part in the project for the valorization of the Sieve Valley.


In particular, the workshop will concern the design of a staging points system for slow tourism along the valley of the Sieve River. The system will complete the proposal of a 50 km cycle-pedestrian path, a theme the Florentine group will investigate in the coming months to explore the possibilities of extending the current route - now limited to the stretch connecting Borgo San Lorenzo to Vicchio – from San Piero to Pontassieve. Along this route, which will pass through places differing in terms of features and typologies - a palimpsest representing the multiple layerings of the landscape of Mugello – the design activity will focus on the following themes:

1. Transformation of the San Martino Medici Fortress in San Piero a Sieve including a new wing. As the starting point of the route, the fortress is to be reimagined as a territory museum where visitors can become aware of the landscape they will pass through.

2. Renovation and transformation into a guesthouse of the farm buildings next to the Medicean Villa of Cafaggiolo.

3. Bilancino Lake sailing centre.

4. Set of punctual elements placed in key sites to mark the links to other routes or to highlight notable historical and cultural points of interest. These elements will be a) two pedestrian bridges b) a chapel c) a belvedere for viewing the rural landscape from a higher point of view.

5. Riding stable for horseback excursions between Vicchio and Dicomano.

6. Guest house and wine tasting hall inside the ancient Castle of Nipozzano.



teaching organization

The participation of a maximum number of 60 students is proposed. The enrolled students will be divided into 6 teams with 10 students each. The supervision of the work of each team will be overseen by teachers and tutors.


The teaching method provides:

– the organization of mixed groups by origin of teachers and students in order to encourage

discussion on themes and approaches to the project from different perspectives;

– the participation of representatives of the territorial management (municipalities and Regione Toscana) and protection institutions (Soprintendenza per l’Archeologia, le Belle Arti e il Paesaggio);

– a seminar with professors and scholars who are experts in the landscape and architecture of Mugello.



study trip

One of the first days of the workshop will be dedicated to survey the design areas along the Sieve River from San Piero to Pontassieve. Afterwards, a tour of Florence dedicated to the most recent museum interventions (such as Cappelle Medicee, Museo dell’Opera del Duomo, Ospedale degli Innocenti) is scheduled. Bus transfers for study trips are offered by Università di Firenze.



language of the workshop

The official language of the workshop is English; therefore, participants are required to have an excellent knowledge of the English language.



workshop venue and accomodation*

The workshop will take place in Vallombrosa, in the municipality of Reggello at 1000 m above sea level, where the homonymous Abbey stands. Accommodations and work rooms are located within the abbey's guest quarter now converted into the Hotel Rifugio La Foresta.


There is no registration fee for the workshop.

Participants (students, tutors, teachers) will have to cover their own travel and accommodation expenses.



Double room  + breakfast € 60,00 per night

Single room + breakfast € 50,00 per night

Dinner surcharge, water included** € 20,00

Lunch box surcharge 8,00 (2 sandwiches, 1 mineral water, 1 fruit)

Tourist tax € 1,50 per person, per day (only up to 7 nights)


For reservation, after internal selection, please write to info@hotelrifugiolaforesta.com or call the number +39 055 8022158 specifying that your request is related to the "International Workshop Università di Firenze".


*Dinner at the hotel is optional. Students can make their own arrangements by shopping in Saltino (the nearest village, 1.5 km) and eating in the hotel's shared spaces.



available places

The places available for Iuav students are 3. The participation in the workshop of more than 3 Iuav students will be eventually allowed based on the overall availability of the places allocated to the other universities participating in the initiative and in any case following the order of the ranking, which, therefore, will be kept open.



admission requirements

Iuav students regularly enrolled for the academic year 2023/24 and, under condition, those enrolled for the academic year 2024/25 can apply for the participation in the international workshop. Specifically, the selection is addressed to the students enrolled in:

– second and third year of ‘Laurea triennale in Architettura’;

– Master Degree Programmes in Architecture (Italian and English programmes).



submission of the application

The application form must be filled by 11.59 pm of 7 July 2024. The following documents must be attached to the application:

1) a portfolio containing: personal data (name, surname, degree course, email address, telephone number); a project album consisting of up to 10 tables; the names of the project courses attended must be indicated, reporting the grade obtained, the name of the professor and, in the case of a group work, the name of the colleagues with whom one has worked. Projects to be included in the portfolio will relate exclusively to design courses with at least one "Architectural and Urban Composition" module; design outcomes from W.A.Ve. workshops or other internal or external workshops cannot be included.

2) a short motivational letter in English (max 1000 characters including spaces) explaining the reasons for your interest in participating in the workshop;

3) a self-certification of the taken exams, and the grades obtained, as well as the bachelor’s degree mark, if any;

4) a copy of a valid ID document.



evaluation criteria

The selection of Iuav students will be based on the set of the following evaluation criteria: project portfolio; motivational letter; average of the marks obtained in the design studios; number of the obtained credits; in the event of a tie, a draw will be made.

The committee will be composed as follows: Marco Ferrari (president), Viola Bertini, Mattia Cocozza.



ranking and methods of confirmation

1. The admission ranking will be published on the website www.iuav.it  approximately by 9 July 2024 and communicated via email.

2. Students occupying the first 3 places in the ranking are eligible to participate in the initiative. These students are required to confirm their intention to participate in the workshop no later than 48 hours from receiving the notification email, by writing an email to the following address: dhtl.network@iuav.it.

3. In the event of waivers or non-confirmations, students who have been excluded will be admitted following the order indicated in the ranking.



attribution of ECTS

Iuav students of the Master Degree programmes in Architecture (Italian and English programmes), and of the second and third year of the ‘laurea triennale in Architettura’ who fully participate in the workshop activities will receive 6 credits of type D.