digital architecture

Undergraduate and graduate programmes offered by the University iuav of Venice:


Level II Postgraduate Specialisation Programme (in Italian Master)


a.y. 2023-2024


scientific head Fabio D’Agnano


venue Università Iuav di Venezia


course length annual


starts/ends from December 2023 - to December 2024


available seats min. 8 | max. 25


registration fee € 50,00


matriculation fee € 6.000,00 + stamp duty (virtual)


admission application deadline 16 October 2023– 12 pm





The postgraduate specialisation programme aims to train complex and competent professionals in the fields of visual communication, digital content, rendering and animation, with a specific focus on Architecture: the ability to manage the various software tools that contribute to the design process is now a necessary requirement for access to any workplace.

The programme is divided into three modules, which will develop the main polygonal and parametric modelling, rendering and video animation software.



For didactic and educational contents: Fabio D’Agnano and

For administrative information (admissions, fees, enrollments, etc.): contatti



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