architecture & health

Undergraduate and graduate programmes offered by the University iuav of Venice:


Level II Postgraduate Specialisation Programme (in Italian Master)


a.y. 2023-2024


scientific head Caterina Frisone


venue Università Iuav di Venezia


course length annual


starts/ends from February 2024 - to January 2025


available seats min. 8 | max. 15


registration fee € 50,00


matriculation fee € 5.500,00 + stamp duty (virtual)


admission application deadline 15 December 2023– 12 pm



:: NEW! :: – Call for scholarships (deadline 15 December 2023 – h 12:00 pm):


download the Call for scholarships >>





The postgraduate specialisation programme in Architecture and Health operates in the field of architecture for the physical and mental health of people, but also in relation to the care of the city. In the aftermath of the pandemic, natural disasters and nearby conflicts that generate great uncertainty, the programme has been conceived with the aim of specialising architects and engineers in the design, construction and management of various types of social-health facilities, centres for the assistance and support of communities and therapeutic urban spaces. More generally, the training project is aimed at all those professionals who share the idea that welcoming, healthy and sustainable environments have a significant impact on people's health and quality of life. In addition to offering adequate preparation that will respond to the needs and processes of innovation in health care, the postgraduate programme will address design issues related to the needs of people with various frailties, in the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation phases. The programme will also address issues related to psychology and visual perception, management of the built environment, and sustainability of buildings with zero emissions.



For didactic and educational contents: Caterina Frisone

For administrative information (admissions, fees, enrollments, etc.): contatti