
Undergraduate and graduate programmes offered by the University iuav of Venice:

Level I Postgraduate Specialisation Programme (in Italian Master)


a.y. 2023-2024


scientific head Marta Tonelli


venue Universitą Iuav di Venezia


course length annual


starts/ends from March 2024 to March 2025


available seats min. 10 | max. 16


registration fee € 50,00


matriculation fee € 7.000,00 + stamp duty (virtual)


admission application deadline 15 December 2023 – 12 pm





The Postgraduate Specialisation Programme provides the necessary tools for the profession of photographer, from technical notions to the development of a personal visual research, the deepening of the grammar of photographic language, the coordination of individual and collective photographic projects in their various stages of implementation, starting from the conception and development of the initial idea up to the publication, through the collaboration with figures such as the graphic designer, the photolithist and the typographer.

The programme is organized as a series of residencies across the Italian territory, designed and structured together with the guest teachers. The aim of the project is to construct a programme that traverses distinct and distant places, to reinforce the relationship with the context and the social landscape of Italy: the workshops contribute to the definition and search for a new shared consciousness of the territories crossed and of the practices constituting their particularities.

In the final phase of the Postgraduate Specialisation Programme, students complete an individual project, starting from the research developed during the year of study. The final paper is designed for the purpose of a possible publication.


Some of the Alumni’s professional paths after having concluded the Postgraduate Specialisation Programme in Photography: authorial photographic research, support of professionals / authors in the sector, freelancing in architectural photography, support in graphic design studios, foundation of photographic collectives, independent publishing houses, exhibition spaces / galleries, self-employment in post-production areas and commercial photography as a product design, interiors, fashion, work for trade magazines, etc.



For didactic and educational contents: Marta Tonelli and

For administrative information (admissions, fees, matriculation, etc.): contatti



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