digital exhibit

Undergraduate and graduate programmes offered by the University iuav of Venice:

Level I Postgraduate Specialisation Programme (in Italian Master)


a.y. 2023-2024


scientific head Cristina Barbiani


venue Università Iuav di Venezia


course length annual


starts/ends from February 2024 to February 2025


available seats min. 12 | max. 25


registration fee € 50,00


matriculation fee 7.000,00 + stamp duty (virtual)



:: NEW! :: Updated deadline for presenting admission


admission application deadline 22 february 2024 pm


official ranking publication deadline starting from 2 february 2024


matriculation deadline 9 february 2024 – h 12:00 pm


expected term start 8 march 2024





The Postgraduate Specialisation Programme aims to provide graduates with a variety of IT tools to address the design of digital multimedia events, with particular attention to the video projection mapping, immersive digital environments, installations, multimedia and interactive setups, as well as the creation of artistic creative content for event production.


The programme helps develop knowledge and technologies related to wide-ranging computer vision, answering to the growing demand for experts in the areas of digital set-up, retail design, performance arts, and entertainment, as well as to the demand for the dissemination and enhancement of cultural heritage.



The program adopts an approach that takes into account the possibilities offered by the most advanced technologies and focuses on the innovation of processes and tools available on the market today.

The increasing demand for the digitization of cultural and environmental heritage, the use of digital tools not only for communication but also for community awareness and participation, has created a corresponding need for specialized professionals in this field. The frequent use of multimedia devices in event setups, installations, exhibitions, cultural communication, as well as the creation of immersive environments and performance spaces, has increased the need for individuals who can combine creative knowledge with technical expertise.


The program aims to introduce students to new professions generated by digital transformation and intends to train individuals capable of controlling and designing the different aspects of digital event creation, reworking creative content, and constructing innovative forms of communication for exhibitions, museum setups, institutional communication, live events, and performances.


The field of digital events encompasses showcasing, exhibiting, presenting, and arranging content through the use and understanding of advanced digital tools, exploring new possibilities offered by artificial intelligence, interactivity, video mapping, light projections, visual narrative and storytelling.


Designing multimedia and interactive systems, developing their possible content, organizing the workflow and production process requires cross-disciplinary skills that enable the control of available technologies, the integration of creative and technical knowledge, but above all, the ability to creatively transform content, data, and information.


Today, cultural institutions, archives, as well as artists and creatives from various sectors, face the need to activate digitization processes aimed at communicating with a wider audience. Recent years and the global pandemic have transformed the world of communication by introducing new interfaces, creating new needs and skills, and changing the way we communicate and share information through new channels and forms of dissemination.


The program aims to provide students with the opportunity to explore and learn various types of tools for the production of multimedia and interactive events, starting from digital survey, which is the foundation of many creative processes. This includes learning best practices for integrated solutions, including modeling, animation, and the use of innovative technologies such as immersive virtual and augmented reality systems, as well as the possible creative applications of artificial intelligence.



Functional profiles and employment prospects in the relevant professional sector

The program responds to a concrete demand in the national and international market, which requires professionals who are aware and well-prepared in the use of digital tools for the new creative professions that involve the reworking of 2D and 3D images and the use of advanced innovative technologies for various types of events.

The professionals sought after in today's market must be able to combine emerging technologies, interactive digital tools, and exhibition techniques with the specific needs of events, installations, and forms of communication.




For didactic and educational contents: Cristina Barbiani

For administrative information (admissions, fees, matriculation, etc.): contatti



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