design innovation management

Level I Postgraduate Specialisation Programme (in Italian Master)

Level I Postgraduate Specialisation Programme (in Italian Master)


a.y. 2023-2024


head manager Davide Crippa


venue Università Iuav di Venezia


course length annual


starts/ends February 2024 – February 2025


available seats min. 8 | max. 20


registration fee € 50,00


matriculation fee € 6.000,00 + stamp duty (virtual)


admission application deadline 15 December – 12 pm





The scientific project of the postgraduate specialisation course aims to build a profile of designer-manager able on the one hand to read and interpret the changing overall conditions of the economy, societies and culture, and on the other hand to determine and direct responses to the renewed needs, explicit or not yet expressed, of users and market positioning through a design approach aimed at innovation, activated within the real conditions of business action. With the use of frameworks and tools of design thinking, the designer-manager is able to exercise "empathy" to investigate emerging behaviours and needs from people, combining the vision and strategy skills of design with the interdisciplinary approach inherent in entrepreneurial action, in order to generate new opportunities and design in a logic of informed responsibility of the company, designers and management.

To this end, the postgraduate specialisation course trains a figure who intellectually, operationally and project-wise integrates the skills of design with those of business organization and management. The goal is to develop in participants design skills, the ability to problem framing and reframing, to prefigure and generate ideas; resourcefulness as a way of identifying ways, resources and networks to achieve a set goal; the aptitude to manage complexity by integrating resources and actors in a design and innovation process; and vision as the ability to select information and to identify trends.

Through a formula of frontal and seminar teaching integrated with project workshop activities, the postgraduate specialisation course aims at the acquisition of tools to understand and recognize the "field of possibilities" within which to operate, the ability to design and manage innovation in the different components of the product-service system.




For didactic and educational contents: Davide Crippa and

For administrative information (admissions, fees, matriculation, etc.): contatti



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