sustainable products and circular design

Undergraduate and graduate programmes offered by the University iuav of Venice:

Advanced course


a.y. 2023-2024


scientific head Laura Badalucco


venue Università Iuav di Venezia (venue of Vicenza)


course length 150 hours (4 months)


starts/ends from March 2024 to July 2024


available seats min. 10 | max. 25


registration fee € 50,00


matriculation fee € 2.100,00 + stamp duty (virtual)


admission application deadline 22 January 2024 – 12 pm





The advanced course in Luxury Packaging Design & Sustainability is designed to provide specific skills to designers who, at various levels, are interested in the design and production of packaging for the luxury and high creative industry sectors, with particular attention to the aspects of sustainability (central to the current production scenario) and to the formal, structural and material components.

This design area concerns the packaging for the cosmetics and perfumery, fashion, accessories, jewelery, high-end craftsmanship, furniture and other Made in Italy sectors with high added value.

In order to exhaustively approach the design of Luxury Packaging, the course will cover topics such as: the characteristics of use, the emotional aspects, the specificities of changes in consumption and of the various types of distribution, marketing and logistics requirements, the sustainability of materials and of solutions, technological and production innovation, while considering the various players in production, distribution and use of packaging.



For didactic and educational contents: Laura Badalucco

For administrative information (admissions, fees, matriculation, etc): contatti



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