social museum and smart tourism (SM&ST)

Undergraduate and graduate programmes offered by the University iuav of Venice:

Level II Postgraduate Specialisation Programme (in Italian Master) “Social Museum and Smart Tourism (SM&ST)”


a.y. 2022-2023


scientific head Agostino De Rosa


venue Universitā Iuav di Venezia


course length annual


starts/ends June 2022 / December 2023


available seats 20 students


modalitā di ammissione Admission request can be presented by candidates with a master degree obtained from an Italian University (laurea magistrale di cui al D.M. 22/10/2004, n. 270, laurea specialistica di cui al D.M. 03/11/1999, n. 509, titolo di laurea di cui alla normativa previgente il citato D.M. 03/11/1999 n. 509)


registration fee € 50,00


matriculation fee only stamp duty (virtual) of 16 Euro


admission application deadline April 30, 2022, 11.00 am







The training program aims to prepare staff to the development, in the field of cultural heritage and tourism, of content, services and applications based on the infrastructure developed in the research project. To ensure the quality of services and the economic sustainability of initiatives developed by the trainees, the program will include courses on cultural heritage and their use, training periods in companies with experience in this field and training on strategic management.

Since the education of the selected trainees will be differentiated as both skills and interest, the training project aims to provide all the basic tools, both technological and cultural, to master the platform developed within the project as well as the peculiarities of the territories in which this platform will be experienced. The course will also allow trainees with computer training to acquire the technical knowledge to be able to develop technologically advanced and innovative services and to the formation of liberal arts education to deepen the knowledge of cultural heritage, to be able to create new content and design new ways to present the cultural assets.

The issues dedicated to innovation management and forms of new entrepreneurship may then include the attendance of some specific courses / modules even at a highly prestigious foreign institution.

In the last part of the training course and in the internship in companies we will also seek to create a multidisciplinary team that can design and build services based on advanced technologies, quality content, intuitive interaction mechanisms and with significant economic potential.



For didactic and educational contents: Agostino De Rosa

For administrative information (admissions, fees, matriculation, etc.):