complex projects in public-private partnership, PNRR projects and urban regeneration

Undergraduate and graduate programmes offered by the University iuav of Venice:

Level II Postgraduate Specialisation Programme (in Italian Master)


a.y. 2022-2024


scientific head Elvio Casagrande


venue Universitą Iuav di Venezia


course length 2 years (1500 hours per year)


starts/ends from January 2023 to January 2025


available seats min. 15 | max. 20


registration fee € 50,00


matriculation fee € 9.000,00 (€ 4.500 per year) + stamp duty (virtual)



:: NEW! :: Proroga termini presentazione domanda di ammissione:


scadenza domande ammissione 15 novembre 2022 ore 12:00


pubblicazione graduatoria a partire dal 30 novembre 2022


scadenza immatricolazione 10 dicembre 2022 ore 12:00


avvio della didattica indicativo 10 gennaio 2023





The field of architecture overlaps with many different fields.

An innovative and integrated approach and a richer set of skills are necessary for successfully tackling complex projects where different areas overlap: public and private partnership in real estate, urban transformation/regeneration; advanced project management; digitalization; EU, national and regional funds; UNI/ISO standards.  

The end of life cycle management of buildings or facilities requires a set of advanced project management skills that include IT, computer vision, IoT, smart building and machine learning.

The course is aimed to architects working in the public sector and in the private sector, as well as project designers and provides them with advanced skills required to manage complex intervention projects.



For didactic and educational contents: Elvio Casagrande

For administrative information (admissions, fees, matriculation, etc): contatti



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