Undergraduate and graduate programmes offered by the University iuav of Venice:

Integral Design & Research


marzo > aprile 2021


ciclo di conferenze di Mark DeKay

AIA, Professor of Architecture, University of Tennessee, USA, visiting professor IR.IDE, Dipartimento di Culture del Progetto, Università Iuav di Venezia


a cura di Margherita Vanore e Laboratorio PRIDE di IR.IDE


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Una serie di lezioni e discussioni introdurranno una cornice per riflettere sul progetto e sulla ricerca progettuale a qualsiasi scala. Si tratta di un approccio costruito sulla "teoria integrale" del filosofo indipendente Ken Wilber e sviluppato per l'architettura nel libro di Mark DeKay Integral Sustainable Design: transformative perspectives. Nell’epoca contemporanea ci muoviamo su un terreno affastellato di teorie concorrenti e parziali. L'approccio integrale parte dalla nozione che tutti hanno parzialmente ragione e poi cerca di esaminare come, insieme, gli approcci che integrano prospettive diverse ci aiutino a comprendere più pienamente qualsiasi problema. I team collaborativi che partecipano a questa serie di incontri adottano l’approccio integrale perché utile nell'affrontare e dare un senso ai difficili e complessi problemi che le discipline della progettazione e della pianificazione fronteggiano oggi. Nel corso della serie saranno presentate diverse applicazioni “integrally-informed” nel progetto sostenibile, nella pianificazione di spartiacque, nella fotografia architettonica, nel progetto per affrontare il cambiamento climatico, nell'abitare gli edifici da parte delle persone, nella progettazione biofilica e nelle metodologie dei progetti di ricerca.



chi è Mark DeKay


Mark DeKay, architetto e professore di Architettura all'Università del Tennessee, è autore di Integral Sustainable Design: transformative perspectives; coautore di Sun, Wind, and Light: architectural design strategies. Le sue ricerche attuali riguardano il progetto per esperire la natura attraverso gli edifici. Mark con sua moglie ed editor Susanne, sono qualificati da Al Gore come Climate Reality Leaders e tengono a livello internazionale sia lezioni su "come risolvere la crisi climatica attraverso il progetto" sia workshop universitari che adottano un approccio di ricerca integrale.


Mark DeKay, AIA, is visits Iuav as a US Fulbright Specialist. He is Professor of Architecture at the University of Tennessee, USA, and author of books on Integral Sustainable Design and climatic design with Sun, Wind, and Light. His current scholarship is a co-authored book on experiencing nature via buildings. Mark and his wife/editor, Susanne Bennett, offer lectures internationally on Solving the Climate Crisis by Design and workshops for research teams using the Integral Research Approach.





1° marzo 2021 ore 16

Integral Design: Fundamental Distinctions

Mark DeKay



15 marzo 2021 ore 16

Integral Design Research: An Approach

Mark DeKay e Astrid Roetzel, Deakin University, Australia



29 marzo 2021 ore 16

Integral Perspectives: Design and Climate Change

Mark DeKay e Susanne Bennett



12 aprile 2021 ore 16

The Integral Lens: Perspectives on Architectural Photography

Mark DeKay e Pygmalion Karatzas, architectural photographer, Patras, Greece

mostra digitale >>



26 aprile 2021 ore 16

Integral Nature Connections: Philia and Storge

Mark DeKay e Melanie Watchman, Université Laval, Quebec City, Canada

link per evento live >>



8 luglio 2022 ore 10

Forming Feeling: an integral approach

Mark DeKay Tennessee University, USA

Stefano Tornieri lab PRIDE, Università Iuav di Venezia

locandina >>



relatori invitati


Astrid Roetzel 

Astrid Roetzel is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Architecture and Built Environment at Deakin University, Geelong, Australia. With a background and PhD in architecture, her research and teaching centers around environmental implications of human interaction with the built environment. Aims are to enrich human experiences, shape environmental values, use resources responsibly, and respond to place. Her current research uses integral approaches to investigate the interplay of occupant action logic, cultural narratives, energy performance as well as built and environmental context. Astrid is a formal Australian participant of International Energy Agency (IEA) Energy in Buildings and Communities (EBC) - Annex 79 - Occupant-Centric Building Design and Operation as well as Annex 66 - Definition and Simulation of Occupant Behavior in Buildings. 


Susanne Bennett

Susanne Bennett was educated as an archeological anthropologist at Columbia University in New York. She is an environmental activist with 20 years of experience as a conservation commissioner in town government. She currently works as an educator, meditation teacher, presentation coach and workshop leader, which she has done for 40 years. Susanne is the editor of Mark’s two latest books, including Integral Sustainable Design: transformative perspectives. As a trained Leader in the Climate Reality Corps, she lectures internationally on solving the climate crisis by design.


Pygmalion Karatzas

Architect and photographer, studied Architecture in Budapest and in Edinburgh. Since 2013 he is focusing systematically on architectural and fine art photography, producing a portfolio of 250+ architectural, commercial and artistic projects from Europe, USA and Middle East. His images are regularly featured in Greek and international media, have received 94 distinctions from leading global photographic competitions and the prestigious Fulbright Artist Scholarship award 2015-2016. He participated in exhibitions in Greece, Italy, France, UK and USA, and produced 10 book collections, with the ‘Integral Lens’ book receiving 3rd place at the PX3 Prix de la Photographie Paris 2018 and shortlisted at the Trieste Photo Days Book Award. 'Nortigo-architectural abstractions' received 2nd place at the Moscow International Foto Awards 2019. Through photojournalistic reportages, collaborations with architectural firms, businesses and organisations, as well as self-initiated projects, he exhibits his passion and dedication to the study, representation and dissemination of the built environment and its broader role as a cultural asset.


Mélanie Watchman

Mélanie Watchman is an intern architect and a PhD candidate in architecture at Université Laval, Canada. Her doctoral research focuses on biophilic design in school architecture. She is particularly interested in how experiences of nature in cold climates can contribute to the well-being of students and school staff. She is currently working with the Groupe de recherche en ambiances physiques (GRAP) and the research projectSchola: plateforme d’expertise en architecture scolaire, which aims to inform the renovation of schools in Quebec.