attività culturali

Undergraduate and graduate programmes offered by the University iuav of Venice:



Arthur Symons



Writing across Arts

and Cultures


25 settembre 2015

Badoer, aula Tafuri

ore 10



Elisa Bizzotto

Stefano Evangelista



Dipartimento di Progettazione e pianificazione in ambienti complessi


Scuola dottorale interateneo in Storia delle arti



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Situated between two centuries, British and foreign cultures, literature and non-verbal art forms, sanity and illness, Arthur Symons (1865-1945) was a crucial liminal figure. He was a skilled cultural mediator who facilitated the transition from the fin de siècle to the avant gardes and modernism. This symposium aims to revaluate his work and, in particular, to challenge the misrepresentations first advanced by the modernists.


Poeta, critico, giornalista e scrittore creativo, Arthur Symons (1865-1945) fu una figura liminare, collocata tra due secoli, diverse culture, letteratura e forme d’arte non verbale, sanità e malattia. La sua opera rappresenta un’espressione fondamentale nel passaggio tra fin de siècle, avanguardie e modernismo. Questa conferenza intende restituirne l’immagine, oltre le distorsioni che il modernismo stesso per primo alimentò.





Welcome and Introduction


10.00 > 12.30

Session I – Aesthetics and the Arts

Chair and Respondent: Lene Østermark-Johansen (Copenhagen)


Jane Desmarais (Goldsmiths)

The Musical Aesthetic of Arthur Symons

Nicholas Freeman (Loughborough)

'They keep mad people there': Arthur Symons, Venice and the Conte Cruel

Angelo Maggi (Università Iuav di Venezia)

Symons and Coburn: The Aesthetics of Photography at the Turn of the Nineteenth Century

John Stokes (KCL)

‘A New Art of the Stage’ and the seven Arts of Arthur Symons.

Catherine Maxwell (Queen Mary, London)

Arthur Symons: Perfumed Thoughts and Fragrant Memories


12.30> 14.00



14.00 > 15.30

Session II – Writing across Borders

Chair: Elisa Bizzotto (Università Iuav di Venezia)


Stefano Evangelista (Oxford)

Symons, D’Annunzio and the International Language of Decadence

Matthew Creasy (University of Glasgow)

The Sinister Guest: Arthur Symons, Villiers de l’Isle Adam and Translation

Bénédicte Coste (Dijon)

A Different Symons: The French Reception of Arthur Symons’s Writings, 1895-2015


15.30 > 16.00

coffee break


16.00 > 17.30

Session III – Between Aestheticism and Modernism

Chair: Stefano Evangelista (Oxford)


Katharina Herold (Oxford)

‘Against Civilisation’: Symons, the Gypsy Lore and politicised Aestheticism

Laura Giovannelli (University of Pisa)

Serious in the reality of his devotion to art’: Symons's Assessment in A Study of Oscar Wilde

Elisa Bizzotto (Università Iuav di Venezia)

Symons on Italy and the metamorphoses of urban travel writing


17.30 > 18.00

Final Discussion