Undergraduate and graduate programmes offered by the University iuav of Venice:

Stakeholders’ workshop on maritime affairs

Towards a Strategy for the Adriatic Ionian Macro-region


12 > 13 June 2012

Maritime Affairs and Fisheries

Trieste, Stazione marittima



Tuesday 12 June, 2012


14.30 > 15.00



15.00 > 15.45

Institutional greetings

Autonomous Region, Elio de Anna

Regional Minister for culture, sport, international and EU relations - Friuli Venezia Giulia

Raffaele Trombetta

Director for European Integration, Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Min. Plen.

The Maritime Affairs in the Adriatic Ionian Macro-Region

Monique Pariat

Director for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries in the Mediterranean and Black Sea, DG MARE, European Commission

Gerhard Pfanzelter

Secretary General of the Central European Initiative – “The CEI as bridge between macroregions”


15.45 > 16.00

Coffee break


16.00 > 18.00

Three simultaneous Round Tables on

Blue Growth - Tourism and Research &Innovation in Maritime Sectors

Keynote speakers

Michele De Vita Secretary General of the Chamber of Commerce of Ancona and of the Forum of the Adriatic-Ionian Chambers of Commerce;

Ambassador Ivan Orlic Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bosnia-Herzegovina;

Prof. Marco Mazzarino CORILA;

Antonio Brambati President of research and development Committee of the International Union of Geological Science;

Enzo Moi Managing Director of AREA Science Park – Trieste;

Livio Marchesini President of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Naval and Nautical Technological District;

Renzo Mosetti Research Director of the National Institute of Oceanography and experimental Geophysics (OGS)

Competitive and Sustainable Transport and A Safer and more Secure Marine Space

Chaired by Riccardo Riccardi, Regional Minister for Infrastructures, Mobility, Territorial Planning and Public Works, Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region

Keynote speakers:

Enrico Pujia Director General for Maritime Transport, Italian Ministry of Transports;

Captain Piero Pellizzari Head, ICT and Vessel Traffic Monitoring System Dept., Italian Coast Guard Headquarters;

Giacomo Borruso President of the Institute for Transport Studies in the European Economic Integration, University of Trieste;

Sergio Signore General Director of the Special Authority for the Port of Monfalcone;

Marzio Serena, General Director of the Industrial Development Consortium for the Aussa-Corno Area;

Francesco Parisi Managing Director of Francesco Parisi Group;

Fabrizio Zerbini President of Trieste Marine Terminal Group

Protection of the Marine Environment and Fisheries

Chaired by Oliviero Montanaro, Director for Coastal and Marine Environment, Italian Ministry of Environment

Keynote speakers:

Oliviero Montanaro Director for Coastal and Marine Environment, Italian Ministry of Environment;

Mitja Bricelj Director, Institute for Water, Republic of Slovenia;

Maurizio Spoto Director of the Marine Reserve of Miramare;

Paola Del Negro National Institute of Oceanography and experimental Geophysics (OGS);

Amb. Alessandro Grafini Former Secretary General of the Adriatic Ionian Initiative;

Nenad Smodlaka Head of the Center for Marine Research (CMR) of the Rudjer Boskovic Institute;

Attilio Rinaldi President of the Marine Research Center Foundation



Buffet Dinner



Wednesday 13 June, 2012


9.30 > 10.15

Welcome and introduction

- Introduction by Riccardo Riccardi, Regional Minister for Infrastructures, Mobility, Territorial Planning and Public Works, Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region

- Presentation of the outcomes of the Round Tables to the Ministerial and Local Authorities.


10.15 > 10.45

Remarks of the Representatives of the local Stakeholders

Renzo Tondo President of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region;

Angelo Michele Iorio President of Molise Region;

Alfredo Castiglione Vice President of Abruzzo Region;


10.45 > 11.30

An EU Strategy for an Adriatic-Ionian Macro-Region

- Secretary General of the Adriatic and Ionian Initiative, Fabio Pigliapoco “The AII as intergovernmental anchorage of the “EU Strategy for the Adriatic – Ionian Macro-Region”

- Commissioner for Fisheries and Maritime Affairs, Maria Damanaki (video-message)

- Italian State Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Marta Dassù

- Slovenian State Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Amb. Igor Sencar

- Croatian Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs, Josko Klisovic


alcune immagini del convegno