Regeneration, Innovation and Design in Historical Neighborhood: Eco-Integration and Preservation of Heritage Values

responsabile: Margherita Emma Turvani

responsabile: Margherita Emma Turvani

visiting professor: Zhang Jian Long, full professor / College of Architecture & Urban Planning, Tongji University – Vice HEAD- Department of Architecture

College of Architecture & Urban Planning, Tongji University – China

presenza: 3 mesi -  da settembre a dicembre 2015


durata: 12 mesi

termine previsto: 31 dicembre 2015

finanziamento: 14.200 euro

tipologia: call di dipartimento

fonte di finanziamento: call 2015 Dppac
call straordinaria Linea di finanziamento 2 “Sostegno dell’attrattivitą internazionale


descrizione del progetto di ricerca

Tongji University, College of Architecture and urban planning and Iuav Collaborations: background and perspectives.

The following note explain the rationale for inviting prof. Zhang Jian Long to visit Dppac next fall 2015. Beyond his specific  high quality contribution to teaching and research at Dppac, I want to mention,  give information and explain future possible evolution of international collaboration with CAUP Tongji, Shanghai, China.

Tongji  is one of the top universities and research institution in China. The College of Architecture and Urban Planning (CAUP) has a long history that  can be traced back to the former Department of Architecture in 1952. CAUP is one of the first colleges in China with programs in urban planning, historic building protection, engineering, landscape studies, and industrial design. It has China’s first graduate program in architecture (1954), one of the first doctoral programs (1981), and the first post-doctoral research center (1988). Urban Planning is one of the key disciplines in China as well as for the city of Shanghai.

Architecture is one of the key discipline in China.

Currently, CAUP has three departments: the Department of Architecture, the Department of Urban Planning, and the Department of Landscape Studies. CAUP also has 4 undergraduate programs, 5 postgraduate programs and 5 doctoral programs. Extensive courses are offered in urban planning design, architecture design, and landscape design, representing a balanced development among disciplines.


CAUP has 18 double degrees programmes.


Among them Double degree with Milano Politecnico and Pavia.

Iuav and Tongji signed a first MOU in 2007 after the visit of Rector Folin and a group of professor; for few years the collaboration with the College of engineering included, to my knowledge, occasional exchanges of some students and few professors (Tobia Zordan and Enzo Siviero).

That MOU has been renewed once.


In 2008 prof. Turvani, started a collaboration with the Unep Tongji center. See:

This collaboration is still going on and prof. Turvani  has been guest professor at IESD several times. Such cooperation has been based on the participation of Iuav in Venice International University and the development  of a large programme of educational training for Public officers  in the field of environmental protection, sponsored  by the Italian  Ministry of environment, land and sea and the MOST (Ministry of science and technology) China and the Municipality of Shanghai.


Several Iuav professors, also  belonging to Dppac, have been involved in such trainings.

Tongji  became a member of Venice international University and relations  improved through time with the Sino Italian campus, based in Tongji.

Within this framework prof. Turvani invited a CAUP high level delegation to visit Venice in spring 2013, meeting Iuav faculty and the Vice Rector. In summer 2013 Iuav and CAUP were jointly involved in launching the Shanghai West Bund Biennale in Venice, with the support of the Venice Municipality. A new MOU was signed between the two institutions Tongji, Vice president of Tongji University,  prof Fang Shouen, responsible for all Italian-Chinese academic relations, and Iuav, the Rector. 


CAUP invited Iuav to participate in the BI-CITY biennale of Shenzen Hong Kong in fall 2013 and Iuav joined  with the project ‘Visualizing Venice’.

A Tongji  Caup professor taught in the WaVe workshop in 2013.


In September  2014 CAUP and Iuav jointly organized a three weeks workshop in Shanghai , and then in November 2015 in Venice, involving 30 students on both side, in architecture and planning,  and 8 faculty members.

See: “Shanghai, Chaoyang, New Village - Iuav, 20 novembre 2014”.


These activities strongly developed mutual interests and trust and an Erasmus Plus bilateral agreement has been signed in November 2014 to allow a systematic exchange of master students, and PhDs and faculty. 


In may 2015 Iuav applied  for Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2014-2020, Call: 2014 28990-LA-1-2014-1-IT-E4AKA1-ECHE-1 to support Erasmus Plus exchanges for third countries , under Bilateral agreement , and Tongji university has  been included. If positive result is obtained, IUAV will receive financial support for 6 Master and Phd students to  visitup to 6 months CAUP, and the same applies to Caup partners; exchange of professors will also be supported in the coming years. National selection results will be known by September 2015.

The first CAUP PhD students arrived in February 2015. In fall 2015, 4 students from Caup ( both from architecture and planning) are incoming and four from Iuav are outgoing. CAUP is financially sponsoring its own students; Iuav is supporting its own.


The latest steps of the collaboration are:


1. Invitation, with financial support offered by CAUP Tongji, to participate in the West Bund Shanghai Biennale to jointly present the outcome of the 2014 workshop on ‘Public space and urban regeneration’. Iuav students, from architecture and Planning , who are still working  on the workshop topic for their master thesis, are involved and will participate in the opening , end of September. 

See:  for information on previous 2013 West Bund Biennale.


2. Participation in City Portrait: Shanghai, organized by IUAV PhD school and Confucious  Institute of Venice.  Both faculties and PHD students are organizing and participating in the 3 days event. 

See: “City Portraits: Shanghai. international lecture-conference - Iuav, May 26th > 28th 2015”.


3. Mid-term perspective: collaboration with World Heritage Institute of Training and Research-Asia and Pacific jointly develop by CAUP TONGJI and Unesco.


A specific MOU is envisaged.


4. Jointly develop specific competences in designing, planning and managing cultural heritage and regeneration in cities; the city of Venice and Iuav University have a strong competence and an historical competitive advantage. These issues are now at the core of the planning challenges  in large cities. Students will be exposed to the results of research and practices aiming to construct a theoretical framework for the identification of a series of actions that could implement appropriate policies and design practices. Also issue of water and water infrastructure will be addressed, since both cities are water cities, leading to a vision for  new policies, landscape, to a higher social responsibility and to a more sensible and sustainable development. Practically, a series of workshops will be planned to teach selected   students and to produce high quality  materials that can be the base for  joint publications.


5. Working on the proposal  of  Master double degree, in Planning and in Architecture.

A Prerequisite for a Double degree is the presence of courses and Atelier/Lab/Studio taught in English. This has been achieved at Iuav thanks to the work of the proponent m.Turvani

See: //


6. Tongji has recently opened a Overseas campus in Florence reference: They are developing extensive short term programmes under the umbrella of ART Abroad Tongji programme, specialized in art, cultural heritage, design and media. Tongji is  the head of a hub of several Chinese universities seeking to  establish formal collaborations in Italy in the above mentioned fields. They already proposed to open a ‘Knowledge hub’ in Venice, at VIU.


Such areas of  activites are in line with the new Chinese policy: The new silk road.



descrizione del progetto didattico

Corso di studio: LM48 _ titolo dell’attivitą formativa: Studio: Regeneration  Design and Policies in Historical Area.