Spaces of globalization: mutations, strategies and adjustments

responsabili: Laura Fregolent

responsabili: Laura Fregolent


visiting professor: Alfonso Valenzuela-Aguilera, full professor of Urban and Regional Planning

Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Morelos, Mexico

presenza: 1 mese - da marzo ad aprile2014


durata: 12 mesi 

termine previsto: 31 dicembre 2014

finanziamento:  7.000,00 euro

tipologia: assegno di ricerca Fse

fonte finanziamento: call 2013 Dppac – Linea di finanziamento 2 “Sostegno dell’attrattivitą internazionale”


descrizione del progetto di ricerca

The research project will examine recent urban spaces produced within the actual economic framework. The globalization of economic activities and transnational corporations has led us to think that we are entering a ‘borderless’ world. Some prophets of globalization argue that it has led to the end of geography. To them, the state has ceased to be an institution capable of exerting influences on the activities of transnational capital, which has also become increasinglyplaceless’. This research project aims to contest the issue of the alleged end-state discourse of a ‘borderless’ world. It argues that, despite the accelerated processes of globalization, national boundaries still matter in the decision-making and global reach of capital. The notion of a ‘borderless’ world is more folklore than reality.

Based on theoretical and empirical literature in international political economy and business studies, the project offers a dialectical perspective that examines the changing relationship between capital and the state, and the embedded relationship between capital and space in the organization of the global space-economy. Together, both arguments point to the importance of understanding dynamic transformations of the global economy, before considering its globalization trends. 


descrizione del progetto didattico

Seminar on spaces of globalization: mutations, strategies and adjustments

for Students, PhD Students, faculty, researchers, social organizations.